Links and Resources
Find links to different areas of government and organizations that are relevant to by job as a public health dietitian, as well as my frequently used resources
Canada Health Act: Canada’s legislation which outlines the conditions and criteria that each province must follow in order to receive federal funding for healthcare
The Health Protection and Promotion Act (HPPA): Provincial legislation for public health units in Ontario
Ontario Public Health Standards (2018): The Ontario Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care document that outlines the expectations and requirements for Public Health Programs and Services which are set by the HPPA. The Healthy Growth and Development and School Health foundations pertain to my role currently.
Frequently Used Resources
Health Canada Guidelines: Guidance documents related to various nutrition topics:
Canada’s Dietary Guidelines: For Health Professionals and Policy Makers:
Infant Feeding Guidelines
Other Resources
Ontario School Food and Beverage Policy: Standards for Food and Beverages sold in Ontario schools
Healthy Schools – Foundations for a Healthy School: Framework used to develop programming for schools in my Public Health region.
Ontario Public Health Standards
Nutrition science and research Statistic information such as data from the Canadian Community Health Survey
Canadian Nutrient File: Database of the nutrients of various food items
Ontario Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care: The Ministry responsible for Public Health in Ontario
Dietitians of Canada: The professional association for dietitians in Canada
College of Dietitians of Ontario: Ontario’s regularity body for Registered Dietitians. This includes information for Dietitians such as the College standards, Code of Ethics, legal requirements, guidelines and position statements. It also provides information for the public about Registered Dietitians and the College duty to protect the public.